(as of 8/17/13)
7 years since last update!
11 years since last update!
UPDATE [8/17/13] Pictures are being stored in the cloud now. I may or may not upload the rest, and may or may not fix browsing
[12/28/07] The 2004 pictures are restored now. I'll continue to work on restoring 2005, and then I'll work on adding pics from 2006 and 2007. Not sure how long it will take me.
[12/27/07] After more than a year and a half I've finally got around to rebuilding the site. I'm in the process of adding the family pictures back, and hopefully will have that done in a day or two. Currently about 25% there.
[3/31/06] Sorry for the downtime, but some nameless soul decided to delete my website, fortunately I had backups, unfortunately they are spread all over. However, since I need to rebuild the site from scratch, I can at least make it look nicer in the process. So we'll try this look and see how I like it
I've put links to the side over there on the left ...
I still need to repopulate the data ...